Title: Necessary Evil
limerickgirlRated: G
Words: 100
Characters: Spike & Buffy
Prompt: Cake
Note: "Cake" = money. ;)
"Right, Slayer. Pay up. Did my bit for puppies and college brats."
Buffy sensed hesitation, oddly. Spike's expression, however, was skillfully clad in disdain.
"Not like I do this for my health, you know, saving you lot time and again from the slimy what-alls of Sunnyhell. I've got places to be. Poker to play. Like I said..."
Chin now raised, he stared down his nose at her. "Pay up. Bit o' cake for a tabby."
Brow arched, she blinked, but swallowed the witty retort and drew out the cash.
She needed him.
"Tomorrow night?"
He snatched the money. "Yeah, yeah."