More chocolate cake

Sep 19, 2013 21:37

Title: Having your cake and eating it.

Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike & Dawn
Genre: Drabble, friendship
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Prompt: open_on_sunday Cake
Disclaimer: Charachters belong to someone cleverer than I. Just having a free for all play with them. The sandbox is big enough for all of us.

"You know, Spike, we have laws in this country about child labor."
"I thought you liked it when I treated you like a grown up, Bit."
"Having to wash your clothes isn't treating me like a grown up. More like an unpaid maid."
"Well, I guess you'll be more careful next time you're going to hurl."
"I told you I was going to be sick."
"Yeah. Well maybe you should've mentioned it a bit earlier."
"I didn't know it was going to happen so quick. Knew I shouldn't have had that last brownie."
"Or half your chocolate cake, before that."

btvs5, dawn&spike

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