Hard Day's Night

Jul 08, 2013 07:28

Title: Hard Day's Night

Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike & Dawn
Genre: Drabble, friendship
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Prompt: open_on_sunday            Beatles Songs - March of the Meanies, A Hard Day's Night, The Long and Winding Road.
Disclaimer: Charachters belong to someone cleverer than I. Just having a free for all play with them. The sandbox is big enough for all of us.

Summary: Season 6

"Geez Spike. It's four in the afternoon and you're still in bed!"
Spike groaned as he opened his eyes to stare at the girl. He reached for the sheet.
"Are you naked under there?"
"Bit, it's still early for vampires. What're you doing here?"
"You said you'd help with my history assignment."
"Right... Give me a sec, yeah?"
Dawn looked at the bruises marking his white skin.
"Oh Spike, who did the march of the meanies on you?"
"Just someone having a hard day's night, pet."
"You deserve better, Spike."
"The long and winding road of life, Dawn."
They sighed.

btvs6, dawn&spike

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