My North Star

Jun 23, 2013 18:34

Title: My North Star
Prompt: North/South
Setting: Season Six
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not Joss, just me, no money, just love.

∞ ♥ ∞ ♥ ∞

She was my North Star and now she is gone.

I could have left, but I had made a promise to a lady.

Till the end of the world. Even if that happens to be tonight.

So here I am playing at being a white hat.

Some days I’m the muscle they depend on to take down the evil.

Some days I’m the babysitter for the Bit.

There are times I long for the days of fists and fangs.

Then Dawn pouts and looks so much like her it breaks my heart into shards.

Till the end of the world.

spike, btvs6, dawn, buffy

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