Un Life changes...

Jun 03, 2013 08:34

Originally posted by comlodge at Un Life changes...

Title: The Tower
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike
Genre: Drabble, angst
Rating: PG
Prompt: open_on_sunday Song Title Vienna Teng - The Tower
Disclaimer: Charachters belong to someone cleverer than I. Just having a free for all play with them. The sandbox is big enough for all of us.
Summary: BTVS S5 The Gift

A hundred plus years he'd strode the world, taking what he wanted; escorting his mad princess through one adventure after another. They'd ruled their nights. Feared and respected by demon kind, for his reputation, the slayer of slayers, and her madness. They'd fulfilled the darkest nightmares of humankind, haunting in the dark.  The world was theirs for the taking and they took. Every night, they took the life of someone.
Now, he stood on broken legs, body damaged badly but not beyond repair. His heart though. His heart was another story. His heart broke at the foot of the tower.

spike, btvs5

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