Title: Sex Education
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike & Dawn
Genre: Drabble - 100 words
Rating: PG
Summary: Season 5 BTVS
open_on_sunday - birth
Disclaimer: The charachters are not mine but dang they are cute together and I treat them so much nicer than Joss ever did.
"What you got there, Bit?"
"My baby."
"Eww. Spike, say it, don't spray it!"
"We've been doing Sex Education classes at school and.."
"Bloody hell! What the f.., what's wrong with schools these days?"
"Oh, come on Spike. Get with the times. Everyone does it. Today we learnt about birth, eeuww."
"What do you mean 'everyone'?"
"Not me. Sheesh, you won't even let me kiss a boy. I have to look after this stupid baby doll all weekend, feed it, change it, like it's a real baby. ...Oh there it goes again. ...Change it?"
"Bloody hell, no way!"