Interlude in a Crypt... not what you think, lol!

May 07, 2013 06:57

Title: Interlude in a Crypt
Author: comlodge
Charachters:  Spike & Dawn
Summary: BTVS S5
Rating: G - though possibly R if you hate annoying teenagers!
Words: 100
Prompt: open_on_sunday Eurythmics Song Title Thorn in My Side
Disclaimer: Not mine, just having a run with them 'cos they're fun.

"Spike, why are you doing that?"
"None of your business, Bit."
"Why not?"
"'Cos I said so."
"Not fair. I always have to tell you what I'm doing and why."
"Yeah, well that's 'cos I'm older than you."
"Yeah, like a million years older."
"No need to be cheeky, Nib."
"So, why are you doing that, then?"
"Why are you here, bein' a thorn in my side?"
"'Cos I don't like to be by myself."
"Ah. Yeah, none of us like that, I 'spose."
"So, why are you doing that? ...You shouldn't roll your eyes like that. It's rude!"

btvs5, dawn&spike

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