Prompt 508 - Draw - School Photo - comlodge

Apr 19, 2013 05:20

Title: School Photo
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike and Dawn
Words: 100
Rating: G
Prompt: Draw open_on_sunday

"What's up platelet?"
"School photo today. Dont want to go. It's stupid. I look like a geek. I already get teased 'cos I get good grades."
"Know the feeling, pet."
"What do you mean, Spike?"
"I mean, um, I used to do a bit of the teasing, meself."
"Did you have school photos?"
"Yeah. The camera was a new fangled thing so mostly they'd draw."
"What, draw the whole class?"
"Try sitting still that long!"
"No way!"
"Bastards used to goose the class nerds."
"You mean, you used to."
"Oh, right. 'Course. What can I say, I've always been bad."


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