Don't Think

Feb 21, 2012 21:51

Title: Don’t Think
Prompt: Think
Note: No pairing, pre- to early-S1, Buffy. Could be a Firefly crossover if you hold it at arms’ length and squint. G-rated.

The vampire exploded in a cloud of dust. Buffy sneezed, hopping backwards and clutching her stake. The first one had been harder-she’d been concentrating so hard that she missed the heart. This one had only taken one blow.

The dreams made it easier-- showed the evil around her. How important her power was. And sometimes, they showed her how to fight.

The exact moment to strike. How to trust her instincts. Don’t think. Just strike.

The girl in the dream was thin and dark-haired. Eyes closed, she fired three perfect shots. She looked at Buffy. “Don’t think. Just shoot.”

btvs1, x-over, buffy

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