Title: Quarter Note
Author: seraphcelene
A/N: 100 words written for the "Tease" prompt at
open_on_sunday. Spoiled for Angel 5.15: A Hole in the World.
Summary: What's your favorite color? What's your favorite song? Lorne can see everything in the first quarter note.
Quarter Note
"But the cavemen have fire," she says, and her voice teases his brain.
Like breathing, Lorne measures the intonation, cadence, and syntax. It's a habit.
"You'll still find me for lunch, though, right?"
Lorne brushes the tingling away like a stroke of his hand to scatter cobwebs.
"I'll just look where the sun shines," he says and begins to sing. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."
Fred smiles at Wesley, and completes the refrain, "You make me happy..."
Everything there is to know unwinds in the timbre of her voice. Stunned, Lorne turns to catch her as she falls.