Prompt: first meetings

Feb 01, 2012 03:16

Author/Date:  Gilescandy  ‘12
Rating:  FRC
Characters: Giles, Willow
Word count: 100

Prompt:  First Meetings

Sunshine in the Library

Willow excitedly entered the library.  “It’s me!”  She noticed the book-laden table.  “Are we getting a new section?”

“May I help you?”  The decidedly male (and British?) voice startled her.

Willow jumped.  “You’re not Mrs. James!”

She blushed, embarrassed, at his kind smile.  “No.  I’m Mr. Giles.”

“You’re my new librarian?”

“Will that be a problem?”

“No!”  Willow giggled, flustered.  “I… h-have to go now, but I’ll be back.  Hope you won’t mind seeing a lot of me.”

Giles chuckled as she exited.  If all the students are nearly so charming, this mightn’t be the hell on Earth he’d dreaded.

willow, giles, pre-series

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