To The Point Prompt: Short

Mar 09, 2011 06:37

Title: To The Point
Author:  Read more... )

ats5, angel/spike

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Comments 8

leni_ba March 9 2011, 15:26:21 UTC
Love the bit about Ange recognizing the handwriting.


kudagirl March 9 2011, 17:26:40 UTC
Angel did say he liked William's poetry. So he would know the handwriting well.


divadea March 9 2011, 17:05:18 UTC
Aw! So sweet!!


kudagirl March 9 2011, 17:27:58 UTC
That's our Spike. He went to his fate knowing how it could end up. He would want to know Buffy was cared for even if it was by Angel.


moscow_watcher March 9 2011, 23:23:24 UTC
So few words, so many emotions...


kudagirl March 11 2011, 00:48:13 UTC
These guys, they have such a history. It's easy to write them. Thanks!


murielle March 10 2011, 00:52:31 UTC
Oh! That made me whimper! Lovely! I'm saving this one I may need to whimper again. (Very nicely done!)


kudagirl March 11 2011, 00:49:06 UTC
*beams with pleasure* What a wonderful comment. It made my day!


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