Team Prompt: Pay to Play

Jan 24, 2011 16:48

Title: Pay to Play
Setting: post-"The Gift." Spike makes a connection: he might have them, but he doesn't have her.
Disclaimer: Still not mine (sadly), still no cash

"Go Team Us!" Anya turned to Tara. "Slap my hand now," she demanded.

Spike watched Tara halfheartedly give Anya a high five. He wasn't sure whether it was post-battle exhaustion that prompted Tara's unenthusiastic response or the fact that Anya's palm was slick with demon viscera.

Xander looked at Spike pointedly. "In case it's unclear, there's no way I'm slapping your hand." Spike braced himself for the inevitable Spike-is-evil refrain. "Your next Blooming Onion is on me, though, cuz you kinda kicked ass back there."

Looked like he'd made the team after all.

Pity the cost had been so high.

anya, spike, xander, tara

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