Open drabble

Nov 23, 2010 00:35

Happy anniversary, everyone! And thanks to sunnyd_lite for keeping this comm going! Here's a topical one...


It's two years before they open Nikki Wood's case again and get out the shadowcasters. Theres big evil a-brewin' and they're fresh out of ideas. After looking in the box for a few seconds, Buffy clears her throat.

"Uh, Andrew, something you want to tell us...?"

"No...? OK, I lost the original when we moved to Rome, so I made this one instead. I think it's pretty faithful to the original, don't you think?"

Vi cocks her head and looks closer at the crude cardboard cut-outs. "Why is that vamp glittering?"

"See, I had to make it relevant to today..."

andrew, buffy

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