Title: Lantern Part B
Author: maryperk73703
Pairing: Anya/Xander
Season 6, Beingsverse
Summary: Xander learns about Anya's idea.
Lantern, Part B
“But, Ahn,” Xander protested. “The wedding is in a week. We can’t change everything now.”
Anya pouted. “The lanterns are beautiful.” She held up the picture for Xander to see.
“I’m not saying they’re not beautiful. They just don’t go with what we already picked, honey.”
“Hmm.” Anya chewed on her lip for a second. “How about green? It matches the bridesmaids dresses perfectly.”
“Uh, I suppose.” Xander looked skeptical, but anything to make Anya forget about the demon stripper. “Just don’t expect Buffy, Dawn, and Tara to dress like geishas.”
“Oh!” Anya’s eyes brightened. “Xander Harris, you’re a genius.”