Bright Shining Light Prompt: Lantern

Nov 07, 2010 05:37

Title: Bright Shining Light
Prompt: Lantern
Summary: Gentle loving Tara.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not Joss, just me, no money, just love.


She had been their bright shining light.

She glowed like a lantern with comforting warmth.

At first, she had been an outsider.

One of the several who circled the four and was not quite one of them.

The Soobies were a tight group.

Then her real family came to lay claim her.

With a bitter attitude and hate, they tried to force her to go with them.

Then the Scoobies formed a wall of protection around her.

She knew then she had found a family created in love.

Tara shines no longer as a bullet of hate extinguished her light.

btvs6, tara

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