Prompt: All-nighter

Oct 03, 2010 17:24

Prompt: All-nighter
Author: il_mio_capitano
Era: BtVS. Almost anytime. Pick what works for you.

Giles woke to daybreak with a splitting headache and an awareness of a soft female body sprawled across his chest. Bloody hell he didn't dare open his eyes. He had no memory of who she was and what they'd done. Had he been drinking? He thought he'd finished with that sort of behaviour years ago. She smelt good though, fantastic even, she smelt like… SODDING HELL… "Buffy?"

The slayer groaned and sat upright.

"Ouch Giles. That explosion in the crypt must have knocked us both out."

Graveyard. Patrol. Explosion. Clothes. Excellent.

"What are you smiling at? Is this another concussion?"

giles, buffy

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