Title: Reunion
Prompt: Trap
Timeline: AU; post-NFA, but before the recent comic
Disclaimer: still not mine, alas
ETA: dialog borrowed, but you knew that
"Look, Buffy, uh, I know you thought I was dead, but --"
"Andrew told me."
"He did? I mean good, that's... look, Slayer, there's this apocalypse, and we could really use your help."
"I'll be there in 24."
"...you will?"
"No problem." Buffy disconnected.
"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" Xander strode in from the control room.
"It's a trap."
"Are your spidey-senses tingling? 'Cause all I got was a vamp with a lame-ass line."
"Xander, you were listening."
Xander tried for embarrassed and failed. "Well, yeah."
"Did you hear us fight?"