Copy drabble

Aug 09, 2010 02:57

Super Calisthenics

Thump. "Ow."

Kennedy winced as she kneeled by the undignified Willow-heap in front of the bedroom mirror, helped her on her feet and kissed the top of her head. "Are you OK?"

"Hey, it takes more than a bump on the brainpan to -" Willow almost keeled over, but Kennedy held her up. "Woah. Head rush. No fair, those one-handed hand stands look so easy when you do 'em."

"On the other hand, I don't levitate every morning like some people."

"Promise you'll wear a helmet if you try? 'Cause... OW."

"And a parachute. Let me get you an icepack."

willow, kennedy

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