Cure times two

Oct 04, 2009 12:52

There had to be a cure for the sodden chip in his head. Listening to Drusilla assuring him there was, Spike tried to take heart. He would get this thing out of his skull. He’d get his teeth back and show them all who really was the Big Bad. Concentrating on his lover’s lithe form, Spike remembered better days. The mayhem, the terror, the rivers of blood they had created stirred him. The best part was the subtle fear in Angelus’ eyes when Spike had killed his first Slayer. Hell, recalling that made him diamond-hard. He captured Dru to celebrate


She tried not to break down in the doctor’s office but better here than at home. The words washed over Joyce, like a river over stone. Nothing really sank in beyond the words ‘brain tumor.’ Dr. Connick went into a litany of treatment plans.

Joyce parsed what little made it through to her numb mind, looking for the term, ‘cure.’ A tumor would not beat her. Who would Buffy and Dawn turn to if she were gone? Their father was of no use and Buffy…a Slayer had enough to worry about without being a surrogate mother. Joyce had to win.

btvs4, spike, drusilla/spike, joyce, btvs5

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