Title: Souls Worth Saving
Character: Darla
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Darla is dying and everyday the local priest has come to give her last rights. Each time he comes, she refuses.
A/N: written for
open_on_sunday “Funny,” Darla croaked. “When I was well, I couldn’t garner a prayer from you or the church. Tell me father, is my soul only worth saving now that I’m dying?”
The priest looked up from his folded hands. “A soul is always worth saving. Pray God will save yours.”
Darla laughed softly, the air wheezed between her cracked lips as she struggled not to cough. “Oh father, my soul is beyond saving. But you,” she paused and smiled wanly. “pray God will save your soul, father. It is always the most holy whose souls need the most saving.”