“Nope, sorry Pet.“
“Sweetling, there’s no way you’re sticking your Uncle Thom next to the Calarfarg demons. There’d be a mutiny on our hands in no time.”
“Buffy, Luv, your uncle doesn’t know how to shut it, and Calarfarg demons are sound sensitive. They’d kill your uncle in 10 minutes flat. And then there’d be screaming and crying… and people running around,” he paused, "rather like that riot the gang and I induced back en 1910, in Paraguay."
Buffy cleared her throat.
“Yeah, well, as I was saying put Uncle Thom by the Detlats. They don’t have ears.”
Chained to a wall - not good.
Mouth gagged preventing ability to deliver witty quips - worse.
Naked in a Master Vampire’s lair - There are no words for how bad this is.
Cordelia watched Spike as he delivered some sort of instructions to one of his minions. He was ignoring her; she didn’t know whether to be pleased or offended.
When Spike, several minutes later, removed her gag, Cordelia opted for pissed.
“You fake blond, piece of demon scum, I am sooo going to stick a stake in your cold carcass as soon as I get free.”
“We’ll see about that Princess.”