Symphony [:Gather:]

Dec 14, 2008 17:04

Title: Symphony
Author: m00nst0ne
Words: 100
Prompt: Gather (for open_on_sunday)
Disclaimer: I wish they were mine but they're not!

The soft smell of spices and pine teased her nose as she was guided forward by a hand resting gently on the small of her back.

"What's going on?"

"Open your eyes, love." He tugged gently and the cloth fell from her eyes.

The candlelight cast a symphony of shadows over the walls of the crypt. The rich, red wrapping paper shimmered in the warm, golden light.

“For you, pet.” Spike took her hand, leading her to the gathering of gifts nestled under the tastefully garnished Christmas tree.

Buffy squeezed his palm tightly, blinking back tears. “I love you, Spike.”

spike, buffy/spike, buffy

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