Hope drabble #1

Sep 22, 2008 23:10

This is the silly one.

The Fat of the Land
AtS s5

"I'm busy, Spike. So fine, if you want to work with the Wolfram & Hart company choir, go ahead. But it'll be without pay."

"Suits me. Wouldn't wanna become another Evil Incorporated fat cat anyway." He eyed Angel's waistline with a grin.

Angel let it slide. "And remember that our employees are evil, so don't have them sing anything too... provocative, OK?"

"Got it. How about 'Land of Hope and Glory' in tribute to our loyal CEO?" Spike walked out, belting "Wider still and wiiiiider shall thy bounds be set..."

Angel groaned behind his desk and ordered another cup of otter's blood.

spike, angel, ats5

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