Spike, Angel - Ats - S5 no spoilers, just Spike whining.
Scion He'll always be in Angel's shadow. He could only be the second most evil, ruthless, heartless vampire to ever walk on earth. He killed two slayers, got his name from torturing people with railroad spikes and he's still runner-up.
Always get the girls after Angel too. He was always second in his darling Dru's heart. Daddy was first. The same with Buffy, following up where Angel left off.
And now two vampires have a soul, but it doesn't matter because Angel had been brooding the longest and he's the champion. Spike is just left to wear hand-me-down sweaters.
Angel/Wesley - Ats - oh, say S3 - PG13
Diaphanous Angel was on fire. Maybe not flames, but he sure was smoldering and Jesus fuck did it hurt. It looked like a good thick blanket, but it leaks light. Every time Wesley turned a corner, a patch of sunlight would fall across the backseat and sear into Angel.
Then suddenly there was darkness. Sweet, blessed darkness of the hotel's covered garage. Angel jumped out of the car, his body still smoking. Wesley asked, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," Angel motioned to the car. "You might want to leave the windows down, let it air out. Roasting vampire isn't a pleasant smell."
Gunn/Wesley - Ats - S3, again - PG13
Melee Cordelia came into the office after lunch to find Wesley sitting in her chair holding a bloodied cloth to his forehead. Gunn was knelt down in front of him, fiddling with the first aid kit. "What happened?" she asked.
"Huh," Cordelia leaned against her desk, "I thought that whole 'two different answers' thing only happens in sitcoms. So what happened?"
"We were practicing fighting a demon?" Gunn suggested.
Wesley sighed and readjusted the handkerchief on his head. "Gunn was showing me a game he used to play as a child. I believe it was called 'keep away'."