Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Adrenaline rushing through her veins, Dawn ran. She could hear the sounds of he fight. Her sister taking care of all those other vamps. But no one was there to help her as she was chased down by the boy she'd been kissing only minutes before.
She stumbled and he tackled her, squeezed her eyes shut tight and didn't dare look as her stake pierced his chest, turning him to dust.
She sat up shakily, a deep emptiness inside. What was that advice Buffy had given her? Never kill a boy on the first date. Maybe she should start listening...
I Was Made To Love You
Maggie Walsh seethed. What right did Buffy have to ruin her life's work? Ungrateful, blind little valley-girl. She had practically felt that vapid blonde head crushed in her trap. Why couldn't the Slayer have died? Then her hard work would be saved, she'd still have Riley, and...
She brushed such trivial thoughts aside. She'd finally built the perfect son, this one made to always love her. She smiled as her creation stirred to life, looked into her eyes for the first time...
Smile faded into horror as the spike pierced her back.
"Mother," Adam said, already savoring his first kill.
Lies My Mother Told Me
"Oh god." Buffy wished she could wash her mind out with soap.
"I know it's difficult to accept," Joyce began hesitantly, "but, Buffy, I am an adult which means-"
"Accepting? Of the bad," Buffy decided. "And it's not like you told me! I mean, no daughter should ever have to see-"
"I didn't mean to lie to you," Joyce defended herself, "but it was just magical candy and I had no way of knowing that you'd turn telepathic-"
"Mom!" Buffy cut her off, shuddering. "You had sex with Giles! There's no way I'm not traumatized for life!"