Poor Frodo :(

Dec 08, 2005 01:00

So one of the worst things ever happened.
My little guy, Frodo died. :(
I am literally heart broken.

when i first saw him on monday i knew he was dead. but i held my breath waiting to see if he would inhale...he never did. i feel terrible and sad. i didn't want to believe that he died, but i have to huh? i'm gunna find and decorate a nice box, with his bedding, and bury him. poor little guy. he never hurt a fly. :(

Frodo Queen was a good hamster. He never bit, and was very quiet and poliete (execpt for nighttime) his favorite snack was his hamster yogurt drops, and a carrot here-and-there. his favorite pasttime was rolling in his ball. he seemed so happy. he was a brave soul. when he was in his ball, he would approach merlin with full confidence and bravery. let us look back and remember all the fun times in which we had with him. and let his little heart and soul rest in peace.

now for a moment of silence.

yes, i am a loser. but he was my little guy. Oh poop.

Aww Frodo is being camera-shy

Damn he is..err, was cute

Frodo's favorite pasttime.

MY dear little man, everytime i see LOTR, i will think of you, as well as tracie's fish Merry and Pippin' (may their souls rest in peace as well).

i accept any gifts, such as ice cream or a new stripper pole.

Besides Frodo now longer being with us, life is awesome, but i feel it is inapproriate to speak of how jolly my life is when he is floating in the heavens of wheels.

the mother who lost her child.
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