
May 17, 2004 12:51

heyy my frinends 9im pretty tired im sick today well this weekend was really funn cause on friday i rode the bus with david and then i went to his house and then sopme people came over and poor jonathan broke his dear little noes i hope he gets bettter really soon!! well me and michaela left at liike 9 and then we went to her house and we tried to have a up all nighhter but we ended up falling asleep at 12 30 so much for the up all nighter lol well then on saturday david and kevin were suppose to come over me and michaela did notjhing the whole day we sat and watied for themm and guess what they never showed up! we were su[per suoper madd and we tried to gert a hold of them a million of times! but we couldent so when we finally did david said that they went to go buy paint ball guns so we were really madd! so then we asked if they wanted to come over now but they said no they want to play paintball so then wewere super madd! soo we deicd to go to the mall at like 6 30 it was like 4 then so we called dav id and kevin to c if they wanted to go to the mall so they said yea then we were about to leave and we called them to see where they were and then they said that tehey couldent co0me!!! and they werent going to even call us we were jsut going to show up and not c them soo the n we were madd as madd can get so me and michaela went to the mall got some clothes aand went to bahma breeze and left then at nihgt we tried to have a up all nnighter but we fell asleep at either 2 30 or 3 30 ? im not sure well then on sunday we ubng out and decuded to go to broward we called edavid and kevin but like always they coukdent come well david couldent and he couldent get a hold of kevin he was no where tob found so once again me and michaela went lonesome to the mall we got a lot but in burdines we saw kevin and ryann there wse talked fro a sec and then went back to our sbhoppuing even thoughme and michaela were rteally madd threw out the weekend we enede up having funn at the mall and hagning out with each other well gotta blast !

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