Jul 04, 2010 13:39
Dear Daverich on OkCupid:
Since I put up my profile in November, you have contacted me no fewer than 10 times, yet I have not responded to a single of these messages. Why do you continue to persist, with your asinine (and somewhat oddly, and overly, familiar) one liners. "Looks like you're enjoying Atlanta!" "Chat sometime? I'm game!"
I would like to point out to you that persistence does not always pay off. In fact, sometimes persistence gets you in a lot of freaking trouble.
I would also like to point out that you are 11 years older than I am, and live in fucking New Jersey. What about that makes you think you are suitable for me? I'm not on OkCupid to make friends. I have enough of those, and I certainly do not intended to add any of the shockingly clueless variety.
Thank you, and good day, sir.