Hey guys,
I'm wondering if I can ask for your help with an assignment.
It’s a sociology paper asking what makes feature film a sociological tool. I'm looking at the audience behaviors involved in going to the movies (so this is related to the last thing you saw at the cinema, ok?). My theory is that when we go to the movies we're trying to get something from it. (I'm talking about the reasons we choose whichever film we see, not why we want to go the the cinema in general - so, "with my friends, I saw x instead of y, because ....", not "I went to the movies because my friends were".)
What I need is for as many people as possible to answer some questions for me, about the last movie they saw at the cinema.
SO. I need to know (in as much detail as you can):
- - the name of the last movie you saw at the cinemas and what genre it is
- - how you picked it (i.e. saw previews, stood at the counter and looked at the titles, did online research etc)
- - why you picked it
- - how much attention you pay to your movie choices (don’t care, think a lot about it, go with the flow etc)
- - what process, if any, you go through to decide on one (narrowing down options, reading reviews, short-listing upcoming movies etc).
- - how you felt before, during and after the movie. Did the movie satisfy some emotional craving (the need to laugh, cry, be inspired, be romanced etc)?
- - what you thought about it before during and after, and how long did it make you think - was there a message that you found in the film? Did it raise an issue for you, question a moral/political/ethical opinion?
- - did you identify with anything (e.g. a fandom or subculture, a character/situation in the film, a group of friends etc) by or during watching it? (if you did something crazy like dressing up or memorizing the script, mention that here too)
- - how much do things like the actors, director, soundtrack, writers or other “big names” influence your movie choices in general, and this movie in general? (ie did you see Transformers because you like Megan Fox/Linkin Park/Michael Bay?)
- - did you see the movie to get away from something? (avoid thinking about life/school/uni/work/family/illness/relationships etc that are bothering you, get away from the heat/weather/daily grind etc)
- - do you like to be taken to “another world” when you watch a movie, or do you prefer to remain detached? How long does the involvement or detachment last once the movie is over?
- - what makes you enjoy a movie? (and does that include this one?)
- - what makes you dislike a movie? (and does that include this one?)
- - anything else you’d like to add/expand on?
I think that’s it. I know it looks like a lot, but please just answer as much as you can. I’ll get back to you if I need more detail or whatever.
Please comment with your responses. If you want to copy/paste this into an email and send it to me instead, just ask me in a comment and I'll give you my email. All comments screened :)
If you choose to help, thank you heaps! Whatever I use in my paper will be cited to your first name only, unless you tell me otherwise. If you want to use a fake name or something just let me know.