Jun 08, 2013 22:04
The thing about Open Design Kobold Press projects is that they rarely stick with the original title. I think Northlands was called Frozen Empires for a time. Sunken Empires was a latecomer, I think the first title was Shore to Sea. Even things like the Zobeck Gazetteer were originally just "the city book."
So, you know, sometimes the name sticks, and sometimes there's a Secret Code Name that hangs around for a while. The next big project from Kobold Press is going to be about magic, which to me is the heart of what makes fantasy its own genre, rather than a type of alternate history. And hey, I love alternate history too, but in a non-magical and more Platonic sort of way than my abiding love for fantasy.
I've worked hard figuring out what elements to include and how to structure it, and now it's very, very close. I'm announcing it here a little early, because hey, secret clubhouse folks get to see a preview. While the Big Book of Magic has got me working overtime to figure out how to deliver the most magic possible, there's always room for magic.
What would you like to see in a Big Book of Pure Eldritchness?