Feb 15, 2006 06:49
Okay so I know I hadn't written in a while but I didn't realize that it had been two weeks. I'm at work right now and I'm miserable. I woke up Tuesday morning (Valentine's Day) sick. Like my entire chest and lungs are all dried out. I've got a sore throat and a cough; which don't work well together. And I'm sitting here have hot flashes so it makes me think that I probably have a fever. I'm in the upswing of medicine right now so I'm not feeling too horrible - but I can tell when the cough syrup starts to wear off ... because I start feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I get all dizzy and light-headed.
Costume shop for a few hours and then I'm going home to just sleep.
I was having a bad week last week because a lot of stuff was piling up on me all at once but I've got most of it under control now.
Finished my Public Service Announcement today and turned it in.
Re-wrote my Short Film Script tonight - for the third time ... I like it - hopefully Jen will too. Now I've got to work on all my Pre-production materials and write up my Director's Prep.
Website is coming along fairly well. There's a few more things I want to add/change about it but all in all I'm excited about the final product which I can probably finish tomorrow evening after my nap.
Just found out this morning about my final project options in my Greek Culture class. One of them is to make a website with 3 links. No problem there. I just now have to sit down and pick a topic, or I guess pick one that I could potentially make a website about. Anyone got any ideas of a topic in Greek Classic Culture? I just haven't even begun to think about it yet.
I will this Friday.
Friday is going to be my catch up day; no class and all. Make sure my website is done. Hopefully send my group a finished script for my short film so they can begin their part - and get a script from either Dina or Todd so I can start my job as producer of either one of their films. And sit down and write up my 10 point project proposal for the Greek Culture final project.
Oh I also have to study my notes on the Iliad tonight - I have a quiz over it tomorrow. I'll probably do that while I'm watching Project Runway. I love that show. I want either Daniel V or Chloe to win. Nick is my third choice. I think Kara's just gotten lucky with this show. And I liked some of the stuff Santino has done but I hate, absolutely hate, his cocky attitude. It drives me crazy.
Right now I'm just really killing time - I've got like 10 more minutes at work and then I'll change, go crash in a chair at the Student Union and take a nap until I have to be at the costume shop at 9.
Oh I guess I should talk about Valentine's day. Richard did good. :) I got a really nice bouquet of red and white roses delivered today. And even better than that was the card he wrote. It was personal and thoughtful so it was great. It was nice ... first time I've ever had a 'valentine'. I think he liked his presents too. It would have been better if I wasn't sick - or if I didn't have to be at work right now because then we could have done dinner or something. Oh well - I'm not complaining though.
Okay guys. I'm out.