miss journaling...

Apr 29, 2012 23:31

I have:

- joined the student cinema,
- been elected to help run the National Student roleplaying convention of 2013,
- coming close to my deadline for my phd upgrade (when I get turned into a real phd, not a provisional one (June 8th!)

I miss the internet.

Avengers Assemble (The Avengers perhaps, not in the UK) was pretty awesome.

I feel like something's missing. That my time spent on things I want to do is much less than it was. Yes, I love the student cinema, student roleplaying is indeed awesome, yet...

I've been out every night this week. I'll be out every night next week and there's a minute chance I'll get a night at home for supper the week after.

Must need Fedcon.

Posted in the mirror verse at http://oparu.dreamwidth.org/312383.html with


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