fandom meme

Apr 09, 2012 15:39

lone_pyramid ages and ages ago. Yes, everyone's probably done it, but I wanted to do it today.

Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. Then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

Star Trek: Voyager

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place? I followed it a little when the show was on, but I didn't write or read much fic because I was too young and too shy. I wrote a little terrible fic, but I'm not counting that. It's not online! (luckily). I got into it properly, with fic and fangirling, much much later. That was mostly
gates_hepburn's fault for bringing me over from TNG. She made it sound so pretty! It's a lovely fandom, still going, still with lovely people.

2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I think I'll always have a token presence. Voyager and her crew are amazing, wonderful people. I write them rarely now, but I still have a soft spot for all of them. I'll keep doing the exchanges on VAMB because they're amazing, stuff like that.

3. Favourite episodes/books/movies, etc? Coda, Worst Case Scenario, Year of Hell pt I and II, Shattered. The Dark Matters books are sweet and rather shippy, which is nice.

4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? I hang out on VAMB, which is off LJ/DW, which is probably why I'm on it so little. I still love and adore Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway, but that's not really part of Voyager fandom, that's like my own holiday corner of Voyager fandom. I think that's the other reason I'm a orbiter of the fandom more than I'm in it. I like the holiday better than the real world of the fandom. I'm really supported in a lovely way, but also very alone in that. People are very kind and support me writing it, but that ship is very much my baby, and I write it and fangirl it pretty much alone.

5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom? Voyager is a great show, some hiccups, some issues, but overall a great show. Excellent put it on in the background and relax kind of show. The characters are compelling, the universe is broad, it's utopian but just rough enough you can explain it however you like. It's Star Trek, so it'll endure. Star Trek makes fandoms that last. If you haven't ever seen it, it's fun. The cast is fun, they're really bonded, it's less weird Roddenberry utopia than TNG, less dark than DS9, and has more of the one ship vs the universe vibe of the first series. Janeway inspires a whole lot of fangirl love, for very good reason.

Star Trek: the Next Generation

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place? Riker got sucked into a pit of slime (Armus) and he was in trouble. Then Dr. Crusher and Picard fell into a cave and were in lots of trouble. Some of my first memories of television at all are of TNG. I used to watch with my parents and I remember the mix of peril and we'll be safe at the end of the day. When I was particularly stressed in middle school, TNG was calming. When I was up late in high school, TNG kept me company. When I was in Korea, TNG was familar, comforting background noise. TNG was my soundtrack of english, my port in a very story time. TNG's been my lifeline.

I was in Riker/Troi fandom ages and ages ago, before I really knew how to write anything that wasn't hideously trope ridden. Really. Fic then, bad, really bad, and rather telling of my mental state at the time. Again, luckily, you'd really have to know where you were looking to find any of that fic. *safe*

I got into it again on a forum, and I have an uneasy relationship with that forum even now. I'm back a little but my heart's not in it. I love TNG, the show is one of the safest places in the universe for me. I have issues with the fandom because again, my favourite pairing is unconventional. My biggest connection to TNG fandom is through Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard, and some nasty things were said when I started shipping Beverly with Kathryn Janeway. I know where I was wrong, but I took it very personally. I have an unreasonable expectation of utopian safety in my TNG. I understand intellectually other people like messing things around, toying with the darker sides, and I do not. I think the fandom around Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard often slips into trope of the writer's deep love of Picard without much appreciation for the pairing. There's some fic where Beverly is awesome, tons where Jean-Luc is the perfect paragon of everything and very little where they are awesome together.

I love them both, I love Will and Deanna and Worf, Geordi and Data are some of my favourite background men. The fandom isn't always a comfortable place for me. It's really hard not to take anti-femslash things to heart.

2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? It'll always be my first love. I don't even know where the fandom is other than that one forum and I feel awkward there. I got stroppy, I can still hang out, but TNG is more something I love with a little set of friends than something I love in a fandom sort of way. I wish the fandom could be as open-minded as the show would like to be sometimes. There's not much going on in the fandom either, some strange fic, some OOC fic and a lot of silence. I'll always love it, but it might be more of a small group endeavour.

Will and Deanna are still safe. Lwaxana's amazing. TNG's a lovely lovely thing that I'll always have a place for. I'm even kinda hoping for a reboot.

3. Favourite episodes/books/movies, etc? Episodes: Arsenal of Freedom, Evolution, Chain of Command pt I and II, the Gambit part I and II, Man of the People, Face of the Enemy, Ménage à Troi, Sarek, All Good Things will forever make me cry. Books: Imzadi, Imzadi II, Resistance, Nightshade, Dark Mirror, the Devil's Heart, Q-Squared. Movies: First Contact, because of my unreasonable love of Alice Krige, the movie's also pretty awesome. Insurrection, for the music and the badass outfits.

4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? I fic occasionally. I'd discuss more if it was on LJ/DW, I think. LJ/DW seems where fannish things should be. I'm not a big fan of forums. I love it, but I love it mostly alone. I have friends doing a rewatch, but my life is too hectic to really commit to that. If there were to randomly be an awesome little fandom of femslash I would be crazy happy, yet...not so much.

5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom? Of course! It's old, campy (in the American sense, not the British one) utopian, full of tropes, pretty people, weird costumes, utopian glee and old-fashioned 80s/90s views of the future. I watch it sometimes and realise how far we've come from Beverly in the command chair to President Roslin, Tasha Yar to Kara was a cultural icon. Still is sometimes. There are huge resources in this fandom. Extensive wikis, screencaps, episode, ebooks, there is STUFF. I'm spoilt by TNG fandom whenever I join one without things like Memory Alpha and Trekcore.

Game of Thrones

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place? My brother said 'read this book'. So I did, eventually. HBO was going to make this book into a series. A big, epic series, with epic written all over it. I love epics. If Lord of the Rings was a series, I'd fangirl it like bonkers. This is a huge universe, full of very real, very grey characters, lots of women, lots of men and it strikes that chord in me that loves things to be big, shiny and full of world-building. The fandom on LJ/DW is really diverse and kind of lovely. It's an odd mix of people utterly new to it and people who have been reading the books since they came out, twenty years ago.

2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? There's several series to come, two more books, and I should be able to flail for years to come. It's a great fandom, so many different characters/pairings/ideas that the ship wars are minimal and the people in it are really great fen. I think it's one of the deeper fandoms I've been in, with meta essays and really clever people putting great amounts of thought into the show and the novels. westerosorting is one of the neatest communities I've ever been in. I wish I was more involved but I'm too distracted by shiny things. Game of Thrones has one of my few OTPs to end all OTPs, so I'll have some love for them for ages to come still.

3. Favourite episodes/books/movies, etc?Episodes: Winter is Coming, Lord Snow, Baelor, Fire and Blood, A Golden Crown. I love all the books. I cannot chose. In my initial reading, I did not move from my chair for DAYS. I had to keep reading. If I really really had to go from 'zomg' to 'I love this' I might be able to list them, but ahhhhhhhh, I can't. I just can't.

4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? I fic, I discuss. I'm lousy at graphics. I just redid my journal to be all Game of Thrones-y, but it still needs some work. Serviceable though! I'm in all the exchanges because they are awesome and I would really love to have more time for westerosorting because it is just that awesome. Catelyn and Ned Stark get all my love. Their kids are amazing, seven hells, even the baddies are pretty amazing. Cersei and Melisandre are rocking it up in series two.

5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom? YES! I so wish they would. If there was one show I would try to get people into, it would be this one. I understand the subject matter is harsh. There's marital rape, death, destruction, death of animals, horrible people but it's amazing. It's big, bold, and the effort that went into the making the show is extraordinary. It was made with love, from the costumes to the sets. It's slow burning, yet deeply painful. It's currently my favourite thing on television. I've rewatched not just the DVDs but the actor commentaries on the dvds. It hits so many of my fannish buttons I can barely function. I love it.

Winter is coming.

So is Natalie Dormer, the Blackwater, a certain scene in a certain book that will utterly destroy my soul, dragons, direwolves, greenseers, snow, the others, frakking ice spiders.

And it's pretty. It's so damn pretty, except when it's muddy.

Posted in the mirror verse at with

star trek: tng, meme, tng, voyager, meta, game of thrones, fandom, star trek: voyager

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