oh wise and mighty (enabling) flist...

Dec 27, 2011 22:44

I'm writing an absolutely shameless, purely because it makes me so happy, fic. It's set in a universe I've written in before and I've jumped way into the future to write ridiculous things because it makes me happy.

There are two problems.

problem the first Should I post this, it's rife with spoilers for the darling handful of people who care ( Read more... )

the all-knowing flist is all-knowing

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Comments 12

lylo369 December 27 2011, 23:32:18 UTC
If by this you mean Kathryn-Beverly fic...I hereby enable you to write it, dammit! If it isn't, write it anyway. The world is too bitter to not embrace what makes you happy.


yappichick December 27 2011, 23:38:17 UTC
Write it!

I'm in a similar situation. I know I have two HUGE stories to write to get to point B in this AU I've created, but I don't care, I'm gonna write Point B.

Think of it this way, the spoilers will get people excited about the story/stories you haven't written yet.


lone_pyramid December 27 2011, 23:49:03 UTC
Apparently they (whoever "they" are) did a recent study and found that people who knew the end of a movie before watching it actually enjoyed the movie more, because they liked seeing how it evolved from beginning to end. So if this is true, then spoilers are okay because people will want to read the "in between" parts anyway.

That being said:

If it'll make you happy to write the story, then write the story and to heck with spoiling others. :) They can choose not to read the future fic if they don't want to know.


lone_pyramid December 27 2011, 23:55:13 UTC
Okay, it was book endings, not movies. But that just makes it even more relevant. :)


(The comment has been removed)

lone_pyramid December 28 2011, 15:17:05 UTC
Isn't it? I'm not sure I agree, but it is interesting. :)


leyenn December 28 2011, 00:37:42 UTC
You are not alone! I have this trouble with at least a couple of AUs I can think of, one of which involves rewriting three full years of Babylon 5 canon and then possibly going on into infinity from there. The spoilers are RIDICULOUS but we cannot deny the fic! It must be written! Do it!


xamanthe December 28 2011, 02:38:51 UTC
A friend of mine wrote a series of novels in her own Picard/Troi universe. They span years and she wrote them all out of order, but I loved each one when it came out.

In other words, bring it on! However your muse feeds you, feed us. Won't bother me any, I just want more Janeway/Crusher. :)


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