so I have this list...

Oct 04, 2010 13:55

of fic I need to get done before Nano. It's plenty of time. I can do it. I really can, I just keep getting distracted, but Sparky vampires (notice the important lack of an 'l')

I made it a sticky post so it'll taunt me whenever I log on because I require taunting or it get lazy and distracted. Especially distracted. I just adore distractions. I must spontaneously decide to write vampire!Lizzie fic or become entirely engrossed with Beverly having tea with Kathryn's mum.

I don't actually have plots. *rolls eyes at self* I have conversations and domestic scenes that lead to sex. My interest in plot has waned greatly. I don't think it's the end of the world. I at plot and lately want to write people doing rather dull things.

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