ah korea, sometimes you are very amusing

Feb 15, 2009 12:26

I'm back in the PC room because I don't have internet at my house yet *pouts*. It's early in the day, so I'm completely surrounded by little boys. (the only other woman here is working at the desk)

PC rooms are a male dominated activity. So, Korean boy #1 who's probably 8 or so maybe 10 at the oldest sees me and giggles. So he walks over. Stares at me for awhile. Then he says hello.

I say hi and smile and he giggles and disappears. Korean boy #2, appears a little bit later. Same very pondered, very well thought out "hello". Saying "Hi" and waving makes him giggle and disappear. I think I'm done. Then Korean boys #3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 run around the corner and say hello. One by one. Then bravest boy says "how are you?" "I am fine" is the only response they know, but they are very very cute. :)
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