What Remains, Else All That Matters (Harry/Severus)

Jan 04, 2007 19:19

The big reveal for 
merry_smutmas  has been made!

First, the wonderful story gifted to me --  A Time For All Things -- was written by
nimori !  I'm flabbergasted.  She rawks my socks.  Please go read the story if you haven't yet had the chance.

And my contribution was . . .

What Remains, Else All That Matters
Written for
ausmac .
Angst, dubious consent, rimming, and a snarly bastard!Snape.

Summary:  An unexpected reunion some years after the war, and many wounds -- old and new -- still need healing.

My love and endless thanks to my tireless betas: 
empathic_siren ,
feelforfaith ,
queenbtch , and
synn .  I think 
ausmac  said it best in her comment to the fic:  "If I were beta reading this, there wouldn't be a red blob anywhere in sight, except for frequent bursts of bravo!"  That's because my betas are liberal with their red pens -- and I hope they always will be.  You ladies not only pushed the story to be its best, you made the experience of writing it so very, very worthwhile.  Thank you.

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