May 10, 2006 13:44
I went to Wally World one day and got 5 goldfish. There was Patch, Elvis, Tuna, Hampton, and Halfy. Tuna, Elvis , and Hampton all died together about a week after getting them. Then about another week later, Patch died. Now it's just me and Halfy. He's one spunky little fishy, so he might earn a name change soon. And he eats....a LOT. I noticed his tail was getting this kind of white velvety stuff growing on it, so I got some "BettaFix Remedy" and I've been adding it to the water every morning. He must be healing if this increased appetite is any sign. Although, I suspect he's been chewing up flakes and then spitting them out so he can "graze" later. He keeps doing his wriggle dance though, which usually means he's hungry. Sigh. He's going to turn into a whale soon.