Exchange Student [written by Xparrot; read by Opalsong]

Dec 31, 2015 00:27

Title: Exchange Student
Author: Xparrot
Reader: Opalsong
Fandom: Smallville/Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairings: Lex Luthor/Seto Kaiba
Rating: Explicit
Length: 1:16:01
Size: 69.9 MB
Music: Sure Fire Winners by Adam Lambert
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Sometimes broken edges can almost fit together. Lex meets a boy one semester at Excelsior.

Links: mp3
Archive Link

Gift for @SomethingIncoporeal for #ITPE 2015!!!!

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

fandom:yu-gi-oh, itpe 2015, fandom:smallville, itpe, podfic

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