Dear Podficcer,

Oct 12, 2012 10:28

Dear Podficcer,

Thank you :)

First, let me thank you for doing this!  This is amazing!  All of the super important info is below, in various different sections.  I figure I’ll talk about that I love in my podfic/fic here.  I really need to get this up on the internet so I can actually sign up so I’ll just say that I LOVE crossovers.  So if you have a crossover this one of my chosen fandoms, GO FOR IT!  Especially if you provide a wiki/primer of the crossedover fandom.  I might update this over the next couple of days to include more about what I like/don’t like but I think this has the basics.

Though if this is all TL;DR please just go to my pinboard ( ) and look for the [ extra:toPodfic ] (without the brackets) tag.  All the stuff I mean to podfic is there.  I’m still adding stuff to it so over the next couple of days it will probably expand.  Anything in that tag is something that I would love to be podficced (and that I mean to do myself eventually).


I have no triggers, well unless you count horrible second hand embarrassment…

Squicks: One of the only hardcore squicks I have is generation gap/huge age differences in pairings.  I’m also not a fan of humiliation and watersports? If you’re going to do porn?  Other than that, I can’t really think of any things (off the top of my head) that will make me avoid a fic out of hand.

Pairings:  I didn’t used to have an OTP but Homestuck fandom has broken me L  I love Karkat<>Gamzee (if you are not in the Homestuck fandom and have no idea what the <> means, don’t worry about it… or better yet, go read it J).  If you do a Homestuck fic is absolutely does not need to have Karkat<>Gamzee in it, but if those two are going to be in pale relationships, it has to be with each other.  Does that make sense?  I felt it was kinda confusing.  But I need to get this in.  Other than that, I’ll list pairings that I’m a fan of beside the fandoms for convenience.  Oh… also polyamorous relationships are always ok!


Love to Receive,

Homestuck (Karkat<>Gamzee, Karkat/Dave, Gamzee/Dave, John/Karkat, Dave/John, etc (I’m willing to be convinced on almost anything), oh! And GEN)

Avengers (Steve/Tony, Clint/Coulson, Pepper/Natasha)

Kingdom Hearts  (Riku/Sora, Riku/Sora/Kairi, Riku/Sephiroth)

Harry Potter  (Harry/Draco, (there are lots in this fandom so if you have a really good fic, go for it)

Gundam Wing (pretty much any combination of Heero, Duo, and Wufei)

Willing to Podfic

(almost anything J Wikipedia is awesome)



Final Fantasy 7 or 8


American Idol (seasons 7, 8 or Adam Lambert fandom on his own)

Harry Potter

Avatar the Last Airbender

Full Metal Alchemist

Kingdom Hearts


Etc.  (if need be I can wiki the source and search out recs to podfic.  I’m really open to trying new things)

Thank you again!!! You are awesome!!! (as are you Mods as well!  This is a really neat idea :D)

itpe, podfic

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