I moved my book blog from free Wordpress to my own domain thanks to funjon. Now it's
here. What's even more exciting is it's going to get a facelift. I'm doing a complete overhaul in the next couple of weeks. I'm not exactly sure how long it's going to take. It doesn't look like anything right now. In fact it looks like shit, but soon it'll look pretty snazzy.
Right now I have a couple of giveaways in case people are interested. There's the
Indie book giveaway and then I'm giving away a copy of
Splintered an exciting new book that's a spin-off of Alice in Wonderland. So go enter! It should be fun! There isn't much time left! And tomorrow I'm giving away a giveaway is starting for the book
Primary Fault. It's a really good fantasy suspense book. I read it and I enjoyed it.
Lots of exciting things happening on the blog. Good luck if any of you decide to enter!
I joined some reading challenges this year. Mostly easy ones. Stuff that I can easily tackle without letting myself down. Mainly they consist of reading so many books a year and since I've read about four books so far this year I feel pretty good about them. I've been voracious when it comes to reading. I can't get enough! It's good! Except I have this huge backlog of reviews that are piling up waiting to be posted. I don't know how to rectify the matter.
I might only post relevant books to my blog. I have a couple of mystery books with reviews that I wrote up. I might just post those reviews to Goodreads. That should help. I'm also going to start posting on Sundays again. I'll also drop a meme. Hopefully all those things will help. I'm also hoping I can keep up this reading pace. I don't want to burn out and go through a long drought.
As far as my art goes, I haven't been painting. My Mom has been home all week and with the holidays I've been too busy to paint. Maybe things will change now that the holidays are over. Maybe I can get some sort of balance between reading and painting. It's just that the blog takes up a lot of my time. We'll see.
I can't wait to read. Too bad my book is so disappointing. All the more reason to hurry up and finish it so I can move on to better books!