(no subject)

Aug 01, 2013 16:19

Kristina Franklin Legg ▶ Breast Friends
Tuesday at 11:29pm near Trinity
Sooooo we made it to 3 mos EBF. Then to 5 mos combo fed with breastmilk, purees, and similac advanced. DD is now 6 1/2 mos and for the last 3 weeks or more has been FF. im getting burned out with the struggle of BFing, and i guess im getting lazy. She prefers the bottle of course anyway because they give her more milk. As she got bigger, and required more milk, my supply wasnt enough for her. Weve used the Breastflow bottles by the first years from day 1 of supplementation. Now that shes eating baby food a lot, and some regular food like mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes mashed, shell require less breastmilk, and i would like to give getting her back to the breast one last try. Shes 6 1/2 mos old, and weighs 13lbs 10oz. At any rate, i figure ive done much better than with her older sister, who is 27 mos and was only BF for one month before we quit due to poor information and lack of a good
support system...

Weve tried latching today! Well, around 4-5am when she woke up. I pulled her into bed with my 2yo dd and (sorry i was groggy and don't remember) i think she nursed a bit, and had a bit of formula. Throughout today we've latched, but her latch needs readjusting, which is sad because it was good even with her upper lip tie. Her upper lip doesn't flare out because of it though. Will that make a difference?
I need to get back on the ball with my fenugreek and domperidone again. I had been doing great a few weeks ago when my family and i went out of town to our vacation home. Feeding LO and pumping an ounce after, and pumping 3+ ounces when she was asleep. Im also thinking of trying Abundant Milk.
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