Chatting with my friends about cooking. The consensus seems to be that the best kinds of foods are those that you can dump everything in. Like stir fry or soup. Hmmm... I should be learning to cook this summer... John better be prepared to lose some serious weight. It's just that I don't like working around heat. Hot oil makes me so nervous (but hot wax doesn't?) and the sizzling noises totally freak me out.
Friday Five 1. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Based on what? I guess Nicole Kidman, Jay Chou, and Ekin for their respective works (no, I'm not in love with Edison -_-;;;; )
2. Who is your least favorite?
OK, here, I have lots. I dislike J.Lo and Juno and Twins and Boyz (hahahaha... I just returned from HK, can you tell?)
3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life?
I don't remember anymore. My best friend got Ryan Philippe's autograph. And someone I know made out with Miss HK (I think it was her) at a club.
4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not?
It seems appealing when I am not, but I doubt that it's all glam. So I'd probably prefer to live my simple life as it is.
5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?
I'd probably pick...Reese Witherspoon. Cute, talented, and married to Ryan Philippe! (hahaha... I'm terrible, aren't I?)