The guy I mentioned before, Brian, doesn't have SARS. And for those keeping up and worrying about me, thanks for caring. One of the main reasons that I'm not returning at the moment is that I'm worried about the plane ride and infecting my parents and grandparents. Also, I want to wait a few days just to make sure that I'm clean too.
So I'm sorry for making all of you worry. I'm sure that the campus is more or less safe since there's no one around. Besides... life goes on.
And... *drum roll* I finally bought a digital camera! It's a cute little thing, and you can check out its specs
here. Of course, the estimated US retail price isn't what I paid. So I'll be taking pictures a lot more now, and might even post some. Yay for technology!
OK, time to sleep for me. I have to crawl out of bed before 11am so I can attend a meeting to discuss transfer credits.