Living vicariously...

Jun 16, 2005 12:06

Ok, time to do my 'proud mother' thing, or, 'how to live vicariously through your children'...

Daughter no. 1 just got a 1st in her zoology degree!

Now, before you ask, zoology is animal biology. I'm sure most people know that, but you'd be surprised how many times I've had to explain that no, D1 does not indeed study zoos!

Anyway, she's back home for a gap year now, before she goes on to her next course. Ho hum. (Note to those with small children: start saving now!) But I enjoy having her home. And I feel rather sad because son no. 1 has just moved out and up to Wolverhampton (just north of Birmingham), about 120 miles away. :(

I don't want ever to be like my mother-in-law who couldn't wait to get rid of her children from the family home as soon as they reached 20. (Ok, I don't ever want to be like my mother-in-law full stop!)  Nor my step mother-in-law (usually very amiable) who refused to have her 20+ step son stay for just a few weeks while he sorted a flat out. Not that I relish the idea of them still being home in their 30s, you understand, but if they are (and who can afford a first house these days?), well, they are!

Enough of motherly thoughts. I've got to go and pack for a weekend residential course.
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