Some of you may have seen this madness, but get a load of this if you haven't... Come on folks, time to get rid of 'Nu Labour' me thinks! Send them to the Tower! I can just see Gordon's head on a stake on Tower
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You are, of course, absolutely right in many respects - I think it's a nonsense to do away with any Christmas festivities for fear of offending other cultures - where did this come from in the first place I wonder ?...
As for the Great 'Winterval' Debacle up in Brum, well...we can all remember the general ridicule that provoked...they were a laughing stock, and quite rightly too !!
For Goodness Sake, we aren't offended by the celebrations of Eid, or the observance of Ramadan, or anything else they care to celebrate and/or observe, and I'm pretty sure that they must be quietly watching our Councils beating themselves up, all over the country, about trying not to offend people who clearly are NOT offended in the least, with pity and amazement !!
My point really was that the likes of the Mail and the Express are extremely good at making a huge great mountain out of what usually turns out to be the tiniest little molehill...they are actually a great source of amusement to various friends, who have blogs that feature their latest rantings about the Great Homosexual Conspiracy to turn all our kids Gay, and all the other nonsense they get riled up about needlessly !!
'Tis very good to see you posting don't come in here very often nowadays, but it's always nice to see you when you do !!
As for Christmas, good old Bluewater has the decos up and ready to shine on the 8th. Now there's a bit of Christmas - the prematureness of it that is, not the decos themselves - I would love to be rid of!
Thanks for your comments Wendy - it would be nice to see you for real sometime. :)
"As for Christmas, good old Bluewater has the decos up and ready to shine on the 8th. "
Blimey, that is a bit early !!! I take it that means the 8th October ?...
We, at Peter Jones have been installing our Christmas scheme, for the last three weeks, the idea being that it is in place for the beginning of November, which is a bit more reasonable, I suppose ...
What the Public don't realise sometimes, is that it takes a whole team of people ( that's 25 in our shop ) a whole month to put it all in to a shop the size of if November 1st is your deadline, or thereabouts, then you have to start around the beginning of October on the unpacking and sorting out of all the component bits, in the warehouse..
Then you start the installing process with the actual department that sells Christmas decs, up on the top floor...after that is installed, we start at the back of the shop, where it is not so noticeable, with the first window, running along Symon St., and then gradually work our way around the window run, until everything is in place...the we have to start on the interior !!
It's endless...
However, for the smaller High Street multiples like Next, there really isn't any reason to install Christmas any time before the last week of October at the earliest really !!
Harrods and Selfridges had their Christmas Departments in place, back in August !!!
Now I'm just waiting for the first house along the main road in the next village to light up. They get earlier every year!
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