"Tiny dancer. Two words that stroke a chord in the heart of every sensitive 32 year old man in the country. A song i actually don't think I've ever heard until i saw the movie 'Almost Famous'. So every night before I go to bed I thank Cameron Crowe for opening up a part of me that I don't think I ever knew, until now."
- David Grohl. Foo Fighters. During his acoustic cover of "Tiny Dancer". which I so nicley uploaded so you can heard. It's so funny/beautiful. After singing some of the first coarse he says "You know what? Lets skip all the other crap and get to the coarse like on the bus scene.". I love it. I have it on repeat.
And I am utterly infatuated with this clip of Alan rickmans voice. I mean, it's gorgeous. I saved it and put it on my mps player and listen to it. I also recorded it into my phone so I could listen to it while going to sleep. So close your eyes and let his voice soothe you.