Public Post

Aug 26, 2012 12:24

I did some house cleaning of the friends list. I'm making this public in case anyone want to be put back on. I only deleted people who never respond to my posts.

So, respond below. Thank you!

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Comments 23

roadskoller August 26 2012, 16:50:04 UTC
Hi honey buns. I'm glad I can read this.
I haven't been writing or lurking much these days.
Life is crowding in a bit.


opalescence August 26 2012, 20:50:10 UTC
I'm not deleting you. No way.


ladyofavalon77 August 26 2012, 16:59:53 UTC
hi :) I saw you removed me from friends list. I haven't been able to comment as often as I should I know so no worries :) I hope everything goes well with you :D I did like being friends since we had politics in common hehe :) Good luck!


opalescence August 26 2012, 20:49:15 UTC
I think our ages are so different, I just can't relate. I think you're on my Facebook yet I don't even know your name.


ladyofavalon77 August 26 2012, 21:42:44 UTC
Oh yes, I do have you on Facebook so that's good :) It could definitely be the ages :) thanks for having me and thanks for putting up this post. I would have wondered what I did to get removed :)


pondhopper August 26 2012, 18:12:08 UTC
It's always a tough choice when it comes down to reassessing one's friend's list.
(((hugs))) just because!


opalescence August 26 2012, 20:48:15 UTC
Well, when you can't remember who the person is, it's time to let go. In one instance, I've commented and commented and tried to get "in," but I've come to realize it's futile.


(The comment has been removed)

opalescence August 26 2012, 20:47:04 UTC
I was a new friend of yours and it happens I am returning full throttle and will be sharing some intensely personal stuff.


opalescence August 27 2012, 02:10:23 UTC
I added you back. If you find that my posts are overwhelming with the personal, just delete me. No hard feelings. It's where I come to pour out my heart and I feel very vulnerable. Thank you.


vaporw August 26 2012, 21:38:07 UTC
I'd like to get to know you better. But if you feel the need to delete me, I understand.


opalescence August 27 2012, 02:09:07 UTC
I intended to keep you on the list because you *do* respond and I'm looking forward to learning more about you, too. *hugs*


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