Day...oh, I give up.

Sep 26, 2005 14:04

There's a kid from home here now.

A normal, every day kid.

He reminds me of me when I was younger. I mean, really younger. Young enough to scrapbook like that. Young enough to care. I'm over that now, or at least I like to think I am. The apathy that drove me away from Pops...well, whatever traces were left died with him. Whatever attitude I give to certain superheroes, it's not because I disdain the very idea of the calling, but because they've earned it.

Though from what I'm seeing from the baby Bats around here, Bruce has pulled his head a little farther from out of his ass since the last time I checked. Which is, you know, good. Always thought he wasn't that bad except for, you know, the 'darker than thou' attitude he had going.

But Billy's got me thinking now. He's got me thinking about what Teddy will think of all this when he gets older. It makes me think about whether he'll be a David...or a Jack.

Personally? I'm hoping he's a Teddy. And you can take that however you like.
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